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Error Codes

Below is a list of possible error codes, along with additional information about how to resolve them. The error codes are HTTP response status codes that indicate an error because of the information provided (for example, a parameter was omitted).

Represents an input for a parameter provided by the user. E.g. - USD is an input provided for currency parameter
Represents a parameter. E.g. - account_id or currency or file_name are parameters

The account activation call failed because a deactivated address of category=user_payout is not available.


For account.business_details.type $business_type, person with following relationship(s) $person_relationship must be present before the account can be activated.


The account activation call failed because more than 1 person was passed for entity of type individual or sole_proprietor.


The account activation call failed because an incorrect relationship was assigned to the person. For entity of type individual or sole_proprietor, only relationship.owner can be set to true.


The email address is invalid (e.g. not properly formatted). Check that the email address is properly formatted and only includes allowed characters:


You have provided an invalid account identifier for @parameter_name. Please provide a valid account identifier to proceed with the request.


You have already used this nickname for a different partner. Please retry the request with a unique nickname.


You are trying to update a parameter that is not allowed to be edited. Please refer our API documentation page and retry the request with only the allowed updatable parameters.


You are trying to activate an account of type=partner that is in verifying status. You can perform this action only on accounts in deactivated status.


You are trying to deactivate an account of type=partner that is in verifying status. You can perform this action only on accounts in activated status.


You are trying to activate an account of type=platform. This is not allowed on the API. This type of account must be activated through the Xflow Dashboard.


You are trying to create an account of type=platform. You can only create accounts of type=user and type=partner.


You are trying to update a parameter that is not allowed to be edited. Please refer our API documentation page and retry the request with only the allowed updatable parameters.


You have provided an account with $status status. Please retry the request with an account in one of these statuses: $allowed_statuses. If your account is in hold status, you can perform only read actions. Other API calls are not possible. If your partner's account is in hold status, you can perform only read actions on objects associated with the partner. Write actions are not possible. Please reach out to for help.


You have provided an invalid account type for @parameter_name. Please retry the request with a valid account of type $type1, $type2.


You do not have access to update this account. This account was created and is managed by Xflow for specific purposes (e.g. representing a partner for paying out platform fees).


You are trying to activate an account of type=user. This is not allowed. You can activate only account of type=partner.


You are trying to create an account of type=user. You can only create account of type=partner.


The action you are trying to perform is invalid.


The action you are trying to perform is currently not enabled. We will enable it in the future.


The action you are trying to perform is not authorized.


You cannot deactivate addresses associated with an account if account.address is in processing or activated state.


You have provided an address with category $category1 whereas the expected category was $category2. Please provide an address with the expected category.


You are trying to create an address with $domestic_credit, which is an invalid routing code (routing codes vary by country. In India, a routing code is also known as IFSC or Indian Financial System Code). Please enter a valid routing code to create the address.


You are trying to create or update an address with an invalid BIC or Business Identifier Code. Please enter a valid BIC to proceed.


You are trying to create or update an address with a BIC or Business Identifier Code that is not currently supported by Xflow. Please retry the request with a supported BIC.


You are trying to update an address of type $type. You can only update the parameter metadata on an address.


You can only create and update an address of type bank_account.


You cannot transfer an amount greater than what is present in the from account identifier balance. Please retry the request with a smaller @parameter_name.


You have already cancelled this $object_name. You cannot cancel this again.


You are trying to create or update an $object_name with $country which is not a valid country code. Please retry the request with a valid country code. You can find the country codes here:


You are trying to create or update an $object_name with $country which is not supported. Please retry the request with a supported country code.


You are making a request with amount=$amount. However, the currency you are using is a $number_of_decimal_places_supported-decimal currency. Please retry your request with the correct number of decimals.


You are trying to use a currency that is not supported by Xflow at the moment or provided an incorrect currency code. Xflow currently supports the following currencies: $supported_currencies.


You have provided a date in an invalid format. The expected date format is YYYY-MM-DD. Please provide the date in the correct format and retry the request.


The deposit.from.account_id or does not match the account to which the belongs.


You are trying to create a deposit with different deposit.from.account_id and Please retry the request with the same deposit.from.account_id and


You are trying to update a parameter that is not allowed to be updated. You can update only metadata for a deposit object.


Xflow does not support duplicate currencies when actioning on an object.


You have provided duplicate values for $parameter_name. Please retry with unique values.


You are using an invalid event. Please choose from a list of valid event types and retry this request. A full list of the latest event types is available here:


You are trying to update a parameter that is not allowed to be edited. Please refer our API documentation page and retry the request with only the allowed updatable parameters.


You are using invalid characters for your file name. The allowed characters are [A-Z, a-z, 0-9, "/", "\", "-", ":", "?", "(", ")", ".", ",", "_", "'", "+", " "]. Please retry the request with appropriate characters for file name.


The allowed length for file name is $x characters. Please retry the request with an appropriate length.


You are trying to update a parameter that is not allowed to be updated. You can only update metadata and purpose for a file object.


You have provided a file with $purpose1 whereas the expected purpose was $purpose2. Please provide a file with the expected purpose.


You are trying to upload a file with an invalid multipart request body. For example, file has no content, file name is not set or empty, payload is empty, or the closing boundary for the multipart request is missing. Please check your request and retry.


You are trying to create a file which has an unsupported format. You can create files with the following formats - jpeg, pdf and png. Please retry with a valid file format.


You are trying to create a request but the $header header value is set incorrectly. Please retry the request with the correct header value.


You are trying to create a request but the $header header is missing. Please retry the request with the correct header value.


The HTTP URL provided or the HTTP method used is invalid.


You are trying to create a $object_name with an invalid amount. Please use an amount > 0 and retry.


You cannot provide a due date which is older than the invoice creation date. Please provide a valid date and retry your request.


You cannot provide a due date which is older than the invoice creation date. Please provide a valid date and retry your request.


You can add only 10 key-value pairs as metadata.


The maximum length for metadata key is 40 characters. Please retry the request with an appropriate length.


The minimum length for metadata key is 1 character(s). Please retry the request with an appropriate length.


The maximum length for metadata value is 500 characters. Please retry the request with an appropriate length.


The minimum length for metadata value is 1 character(s). Please retry the request with an appropriate length.


Xflow supports a single address of category=xflow_receive per currency per account. Please check to see if there already exists an address with this constraint or retry the request keeping this by changing the currency or account identifier.


You have not provided the minimum required value(s) for @parameter_name. Please refer to $documentation_link for more details.


You are trying to access an object that does not exist. Please try again with the correct object identifier.


You have provided an invalid address id for @parameter_name. Please provide valid ids to proceed with the request.


You are passing a value that is not as per the expected format of @parameter_name. The value is expected in the following regular expression format: $format. Please retry the request with correct value for @parameter_name.


You did not provide a value for @parameter_name. Please try again with an appropriate value.


You have provided an invalid file id for @parameter_name. Please provide valid ids to proceed with the request.


The maximum allowed length for @parameter_name is $x. Please retry the request with an appropriate length.


The minimum length for @parameter_name is $x. Please retry the request with an appropriate length.


You have provided an invalid value for @parameter_name. Please provide a valid value to proceed with the request.


You have provided an invalid receivable_id for @parameter_name. Please provide a valid id to proceed with the request.


You have provided a parameter which is not expected. Please refer our API documentation page and retry the request with only the required parameters.


We got an invalid value for @parameter_name. Please retry the request with one of the following values: $valid_values.

You are trying to create a PaymentLink using an account_id which does not match with the account_id of the receivable_id provided. Please retry the action using a receivable_id created against the account for which you are creating the PaymentLink.

You are trying to activate a PaymentLink in expired status. Please create a new PaymentLink.

You are trying to deactivate a PaymentLink that has expired. This is not a valid action.

You are trying to expire a PaymentLink that is not linked to a receivable. You can only expire a PaymentLink that is linked to a receivable.

You are trying to extend a PaymentLink that is not in activated status. Please retry extend action on a PaymentLink in activated status or create a new PaymentLink.

You are trying to extend a PaymentLink that is not linked to a receivable. You can only extend a PaymentLink that is linked to a receivable.

You are trying to create a PaymentLink for a partner who is not based in US or for a non USD receivable. PaymentLink is currently available only for account of type=partner with country=US and for a receivable with currency=USD.

You are trying to update a parameter that is not allowed to be updated. You can update only metadata for a PaymentLink object.

The maximum number of receivables you can set against a PaymentLink is 1. Please retry creating the PaymentLink with 1 receivable.

You are trying to create a PaymentLink using a receivable that is in $status status. Please retry the request using a receivable that is in one of these statuses: $allowed_statuses.


You are trying to update a parameter that is not allowed to be updated. You can update only metadata for a payout object.


You can only delete a person if its status is unverified.


You are trying to update a parameter that is not allowed to be edited. Please refer our API documentation page and retry the request with only the allowed updatable parameters.


You must set at least one of the relationship parameters as true.


You can only update a person if its status is unverified.


The purpose code you have provided is not supported by Xflow or an incorrect purpose code. Please check the list of supported purpose codes:


We need some more information to process this receivable. Please reach out to or check your mail for more details.


The amount on the invoice does not match with amount you have provided. Please retry the request with the correct amount.


The amount_maximum_reconcilable should be less than invoice.amount and greater than amount_settled_payouts + amount_locked. You also cannot change the amount_maximum_reconcilable to an amount less than reconciled amount. Please provide an appropriate amount and retry updating the receivable.


You cannot cancel a receivable if it has funding associated or has been paid out to your bank account or if there is amount_locked associated.


You can confirm a receivable that is in draft or input_required status only. Please retry the request on a receivable in one of the statuses mentioned.


The invoice date on the invoice does not match with invoice date you have provided. Please retry the request with the correct invoice date.


The receivable.currency does not match with receivable.invoice.currency. Please retry the request with same receivable.currency and receivable.invoice.currency.


The due date on the invoice does not match with due date you have provided. Please retry the request with the correct due date.


The receivable you are trying to action on is in hold status. Read actions are allowed and other API calls are not possible on this receivable. Please reach out to to change status of the receivable from hold to activated.


The document you have uploaded is not a valid invoice. Please retry the request with the correct document.


You are trying to create a receivable with an invoice reference number that already exists. Please update the existing receivable or try creating a receivable with a different invoice reference number.


The type of transaction on the invoice does not match with the transaction type you have selected. Please retry the request with the correct document.


You are trying to update a parameter that is not allowed to be edited. Please refer our API documentation page and retry the request with only the allowed updatable parameters.


The country of the partner on the invoice does not match with the country of the partner you have provided. Please retry the request after updating the country of the partner.


The partner information on the invoice does not match with partner information you have provided. Please retry the request with the correct partner information.


You cannot reconcile a receivable unless it is in activated status. Please retry once the receivable is in activated status.


You cannot reconcile a receivable for an amount less than $payout_fee while account_settings.live_fx is enabled. Please either increase the reconcile amount above $payout_fee or disable account_settings.live_fx and try again.


You cannot reconcile a receivable for an amount greater than receivable.amount_reconcilable or an amount greater than what the partner has deposited or what is present in the source account identifier balance. Please retry the request with a smaller amount or update the receivable.amount_maximum_reconcilable.


You are trying to reconcile a receivable but the associated address ${address_id} of category=user_payout is not activated. Please reach out to and we will help you out.


The invoice id on the invoice does not match with invoice_id you have provided. Please retry the request with the correct invoice id.


We are unable to process this receivable currently.


You do not have access to update this receivable. This receivable was created and is managed by Xflow for specific purposes (e.g. receiving funds for platform fees).


You have provided an invalid request body (e.g. - json syntax). Please check your request and retry.


You have provided an invalid request query parameter (e.g. - unexpected parameters or incorrect data type). Please check your request and retry.


This object cannot be accessed right now because another API request or Xflow process is currently accessing it. If you see this error intermittently, retry the request. If you see this error frequently and are making multiple concurrent requests to a single object, make your requests serially or at a lower rate.


The API key you've used in your request is invalid. Obtain your current secret API key from the Dashboard and update your integration to use them.


You have not provided an API key. Obtain your current secret API key from the Dashboard and update your integration.


The action you are trying to perform is valid only in testmode. Please retry the action using your test key and inputs.


You have provided an invalid input for timestamp. The timestamp needs to be an integer between -30610224000 and 253402300799. Please retry your request with an appropriate input.


The requested transfer has failed. Please try again after some time.


You are trying to update a parameter that is not allowed to be updated. You can update only description and metadata for a transfer object.


You have provided an invalid transfer type for @parameter_name. Please retry the request with a valid transfer of type $type1, $type2.


The URL provided is invalid.


You have reached the maximum allowed limit of 16 webhook endpoints. Please reuse existing endpoints by using the update API.


You are trying to update a parameter that is not allowed to be edited. Please refer our API documentation page and retry the request with only the allowed updatable parameters.


You have provided an invalid website value. Please provide a valid url or pass website_not_available.